Gary Vee Thumbs Down
Gary Vee Gives A Thumbs Down In Front Of A Small Lawn Sign
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I don't think so. Nope. I'm not impressed. Not a fan. This is a thumbs down from me. When your yard sale sign isn't met with enthusiasm When you thought it was a good idea, but it backfires Oh no, not again! Looks like this isn't going to be a profitable yard sale When you show up to the yard sale with a sweater and a cap, but no jeans When you thought it was going to be a great day, but it turns out to be a bust When you thought you had a hidden gem, but it turns out to be worthless When your reaction meme gets a thumbs down When your lawn sign is met with a thumbs down When you try to sell something and no one wants it When you find out your prized sneakers are only worth the price of a garage sale When you thought it was a great deal, but it turns out to be a dud When Gary Vaynerchuk gives his opinion about your item When you realize your item isn't worth what you thought it was When you thought you had something valuable, but it turns out to be worthless You thought it was a great deal, but it turns out you were wrong When you realize your prized possession isn't worth very much When you thought it was a good idea, but it turns out to be a bad one When your video recording doesn't get the reaction you were hoping for When you attempt to sell something, but it falls flat When you find out your item isn't worth what you paid for it When you thought you had a winner, but it turns out to be a loser When you thought you had something valuable, but it turns out to be a lemon When you show up to the yard sale and realize you have nothing to sell When you realize your thrift store find isn't as great as you initially thought When you try to make a quick buck, but it goes wrong