Sarah Connor Punches Out
Sarah Connor In Movie Terminator Punches Out Work Card And Looks At It
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Ready to take on the future Time to take on the world, the Terminator style Clocking in to save the future Time to get serious and save the world Just another day in the world of Sarah Connor No time to lose, the fate of mankind is in my hands Linda Hamilton, Sarah Connor, and the Terminator all in one place Kitchen fixtures, time cards and other people walking by, it's time to get to work Time to save the world, one time card at a time Ready for action and adventure Ready for some serious action Ready to take on the world Time to take charge of the world Welcome to the future, Sarah Connor Time to get serious Clocking in and getting down to business Just another day in the Terminator universe It's time to face the future The fate of humanity is in my hands Taking on the future with a pink bag and a light green jacket I'm ready for anything this time-traveling journey throws at me No time to lose, the fate of the world is in my hands When Sarah Connor clocked into the future Taking the future into my own hands Ready to rock the Terminator universe