Homer Walks On Street With Sign
Homer Simpson In TV Show Simpsons Walks On Street Wearing A Sign
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That's why they call it a sitcom, people!' Is this really happening?' Time to face the music!' What did I get myself into?!' I should have seen this coming!' When you see the sign, you know it's going to be a wild experience When you see the sign, you know it's going to be a wild ride When you see the sign, you know you're in for a wild ride This isn't what I expected!' When you see the sign, you know it's going to be an adventure Oh no, not again!' When you see the sign, you know something's up When you realize you've been scammed What have I done?!' What have I done to deserve this?' Not what I signed up for! Looks like I'm in trouble again!' Sitcoms may be fun, but they sure can backfire!' Homer Simpson: Just another day in the life of a sitcom family When you realize you've been lied to your whole life I'm starting to regret my choices!' Here we go again... Here we go again!' When you find out your favorite TV show isn't real It seemed like a good idea at the time!' Say it ain't so!' I'm not sure I'm ready for this!' How did I get myself into this mess?'