Sarah Paulson Looks Down At Paper
Sarah Paulson In Movie Oceans 8 Looks Down At Photo On Desk
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
When you know you have to get the job done When it's all on the line When there's no time for jokes When the plan comes to life When it's time to take the plunge When it's time to put on a poker face When the heist is going according to plan Ocean's 8: When the stakes are high When the plan is in motion When you have to stay stern When you have to stay focused When you have to keep your cool When you have to stay calm When you know you have to be direct When the mission is set When the stakes are too high for laughter When you have to take the lead When a picture is worth a thousand chips When you're in too deep When the mission requires seriousness When you have to be serious When the plan requires calmness Tammy and Sarah Paulson: When the plan comes together When the team needs direction When the heist requires directness When you can't let your blouse give away the plan