Kate Winslet Cries In Crowd
Kate Winslet In Movie The Holiday Cries During An Office Party
The HolidayMovieFilmEntertainmentComedyFunnyHilariousFeel GoodRomanceRom-ComKate WinsletIris SimpkinsIrisKate Winslet CryingKate Winslet CriesKate Winslet Crying During Office PartyKate Winslet Cries During Office PartyOffice CelebrationOffice PartyPartyKate Winslet SadKate Winslet EmotionalKate Winslet Emotions
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When your boss says you can leave early on Christmas Eve. When your family asks if you're single on Thanksgiving. Trying to keep it together during a romantic movie When you can't stop the tears during a classic rom com That moment when you realize it's time to leave That moment when you realize you have to leave your holiday destination Ah, the sadness of having to leave a holiday destination Feeling heartbroken, sad and overwhelmed all at once Trying to keep it together during the most romantic movie ever Ah, the heartbreak of a classic holiday movie When the emotions of the movie overwhelm you When the emotions of the movie just hit you When the tears start to flow during a rom com When you just want to stay in your holiday destination forever Trying to keep it together when other people don't care When you accidentally watch The Holiday on a holiday That moment when you realize it's time to go home When you think you can handle it, but then it all just hits you There's nothing like a good rom com to make you cry When the movie just hits you right in the feels When you can't help but cry at a classic rom com Ah, the sadness of having to leave your holiday destination When you realize that other people don't care about your heartbreak That moment when the movie gets too real When you realize the people in the crowd don't care about your heartbreak When the people in the crowd don't understand When you just can't handle it anymore Ah, the feels of a classic holiday movie