George St-Pierre Exercising
George St - Pierre Goes Through Stretching Routine
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GSP: Gym Spa Pool. I'm just here for the free food. I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure this isn't how you're supposed to exercise. When it's time to get serious about Mixed Martial Arts Georges St-Pierre: Ready to Train Georges St-Pierre: Focused and ready for the challenge YouTube or bust: MMA Edition All eyes on me as I warm up for the fight Georges St-Pierre: Taking on the world When you know it's time to get serious about your workout When you know it's time to get serious about Mixed Martial Arts When it's time to get serious about your MMA training When it's time to get serious and put in the hard work When it's time to put in the work and get ready for the fight When it's time to get serious and get ready for the fight Georges St-Pierre: Ready to take on the world Georges St-Pierre: Ready for action When you realize you have to put in the work to reach your goals Social media can't save you when it's time to get in the ring Georges St-Pierre: Just another day at the office Time to get serious about my lifestyle Time to show them what I'm made of They said I couldn't do it, but I'm proving them wrong You can take the Mixed Martial Artist out of the UFC, but you can't take the UFC out of the Mixed Martial Artist Monitor your progress: MMA Edition Time to rise to the challenge Georges St-Pierre: Serious and focused The power of video content: MMA Edition