Man Points To Whiteboard
A Man In A TikTok Video Points To A Whiteboard With Magic Marker
Need inspiration? Use one of these suggestions:
I give up! I'm not giving up until I get what I want! I'm done with this crap! I'm starting to regret my choices Is this really worth it? I give up! When the fisherman's hat isn't enough When your TikTok video isn't getting the views you hoped for Don't let the white curtains trick you That moment when you realize you have to start over When you have to face the challenge Irked, annoyed and hesitant? Me too! Social media can be so tiring Here we go again... When you're feeling hesitant Don't give up on your dreams just yet! That look when you just can't do it When you feel like nothing you write is good enough The whiteboard is my enemy! Showing the board who's boss Pointing at the board isn't going to make it any easier When the hat and jacket don't make the viral video When social media has you feeling defeated When the pen won't cooperate When you just can't take it anymore You can do it! Just keep writing When you can't find the right words I'm not sure I'm up for this challenge Alright, let's try this again Oh no, not again! Ahh, the struggles of trying to go viral