Camera Zooms In On Car Screen
Camera In Movie Fast And Furious Zooms In On Convertible Car Screen/Display
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I'm not saying that I'm the best driver but I'm also not saying that I'm not the best driver. Who knew the street could be so dangerous? My pride and joy has been outdone Looks like I'm in trouble again Oh no, not this again! When you thought you were the only one with a powerful engine When you thought you were the only one with a fancy dashboard When you're trying to be cool but you're outmatched When you thought you were the only one zooming in I'm not sure I'm ready for this Time to face the music When you thought you were the only one who could go fast When you think you're the king of the road The Fate of the Furious: When you realize someone else is faster than you When you're out of your depth When you thought you were the fastest When you thought you were the only one driving a fast car Not what I signed up for! When you realize you're not the only one with leather seats When you thought you were the only one on the street When you thought you were invincible Looks like I'm not the only one with a shiny car Here we go again... When you realize you're in over your head When you thought you were fast, but someone else is faster Ouch, that hurt my pride This isn't the street race I expected