Kevin Durant Holds Up Blue Paper
Professional Basketball Player, Kevin Durant Holds Up Blue Paper In A Video
Kevin DurantProfessional AthleteProfessional Baksetball PlayerBasketball PlayerNBA PlayerNBAPro AthletePro Basketball PlayerBasketballKDKevin Durant Holds Up Blue PaperKevin Durant Holding Up BlueKevin Durant Shows Blue PaperKevin Durant Showing Blue PaperBlue PaperShowing MessageDisplaying MessageMessage
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I'm not really a Durant fan but this magazine is pretty cool. I'm Durant sure what this magazine is about. I'm sorry I don't read Durant magazines. Showing off my grey t-shirt and yellow cap on the cover of the magazine When you realize you've made it big What a feeling! Proud to be featured on the cover Taking the Kevin Durant look to a whole new level of fame Making the most of my 15 minutes of fame Who knew a simple photo could be so powerful? Living the dream: Kevin Durant on the cover of a magazine Oh wow! Look at me now! Taking the Kevin Durant look to a whole new level The Instagram star of the home fixtures world Home fixtures, Instagram, and Kevin Durant: the perfect combination! Dreams do come true when you least expect it Sitting pretty on the cover of the magazine Proud to be featured in a magazine When you go from nobody to somebody overnight When you realize you're an internet sensation Who said gray t-shirts were boring? Wow! I'm a magazine cover star! Who knew a simple image macro could be so powerful? Just another day in the life of an Instagram celebrity My picture made it to the cover of the magazine When your photo goes viral and you can't believe your luck When your photo goes viral Proud to be on the cover of the magazine Living the dream: happy, proud, and excited to be featured When you make the cover of the magazine