Avatars Look At Tablet In Jungle
Scientists In The Movie Avatar Look At A Tablet In Jungle
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I would sell my soul to watch Avatar on a tablet. I'm not addicted to Avatar I can quit anytime I want! When your device takes you on a wild ride Norm Spellman: How did I get myself into this mess? Anxious, curious and ready for adventure Say it ain't so! Time to face the music! Looks like I'm in trouble again! Are you feeling anxious, curious, or both? Dr. Grace Augustine: What have I gotten myself into?! Dr. Grace Augustine: Is this really happening? Is this really happening or am I dreaming? This isn't what I expected! When reality and fantasy collide What did I get myself into?! Just another day in the drama-filled Avatar world Time to say goodbye to reality Ready to face whatever comes my way! How did I get myself into this mess? Let the journey begin! When you realize you're stuck in a virtual world What's around the next corner? Is this a dream or a nightmare? Time for an unexpected journey When you finally get your hands on the newest tablet device Let the adventure begin! Here I go again, off on another adventure Let's see what this new world has to offer When you realize the world isn't as simple as it seems Is this really happening? Here we go again... Facing a whole new world of drama When the tablet screen just won't do I'm not sure I'm ready for this! Trying to find my way out of this fantasy Avatar 2: When you realize the world you thought was real is a fantasy What have I done to deserve this? Taking a break from reality, one tree at a time Can I really do this? Welcome to the world of Avatar! Who knew fantasy could be so real? Just another day in the Avatar world I thought I left reality behind? Sigourney Weaver: Here we go again! Joel David Moore: Is this really happening? Norm Spellman: What did I get myself into?! Looks like I'm in for a wild ride It seemed like a good idea at the time! Ready to explore a new world? When you're not sure if you're ready to enter a new world